Online PDC

permaculture design course

The content acknowledges the existence of climate change, ecosystem degradation, and decline in human health factors in order to understand how we can overcome these challenges. The permaculture design certificate (PDC) is a specific 72-hour course. The standardized content of a PDC teaches you how to apply the permaculture design process, ethics, principles, techniques, and strategies to any situation, climate, site, etc. All of our permaculture design courses, no matter how big or small, make sure you get the balanced permaculture training you need to face not just challenges in the garden, but also larger issues in your interconnected community. This one includes several classes all about building sustainable relationships.

permaculture design course

Revolutionize how you view and relate to the Earth and your everyday life through this permaculture design course.

That’s because students who stay in the ecovillage have consistently experienced more ease, depth of connection, and profound learning than those who choose to commute. Although it’s possible for commuters to have a rich experience in the course, the additional travel time makes for longer days and less time together or practicing self-care. It also means less time on the land and enjoying the living world that the course is grounded in. You’ll get to see the principles at play in wild landscapes, and throughout the course, you’ll see how permaculturists work with these principles to design and build functional, sustainable systems. These principles of permaculture aren’t just something you learn about, they’ll get into your mind and body as a new framework to engage with the world. That means it involves lots of different tools and techniques; from mapping and measuring, to watching the movement of water, to gardening, botany, building, and even human communication.

What you’ll learn…

A graduate from Sitting Bull College with a Bachelor’s in Environmental Science, there has been a drive to better understand natural processes on our planet. Recently taking the position of Permaculture and Food Systems Coordinator for NDSU and Regenerative Land Management Coordinator with Earth Activist Training, environmental education along with systems design has been a long time passion. Javan Kerby Bernankevitch has worked in the U.S., Canada, Kenya, Uganda, Cuba and remote Mongolia. He specializes in geomorphic design, rainwater harvesting, perennial systems, and business evaluation and design. Javan is a consulting editor for Permaculture Magazine United Kingdom and North America and is a writer for Urban Farm, Communities and Permaculture Magazine.

Brigid Meier on permaculture: revolution disguised as gardening - The Taos News

Brigid Meier on permaculture: revolution disguised as gardening.

Posted: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Food Forest Design Mini Course

Bringing it All Together in Just. One. Diagram. (Part Four – the Nine Spaces) - Resilience

Bringing it All Together in Just. One. Diagram. (Part Four – the Nine Spaces).

Posted: Mon, 04 Feb 2019 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Use the next cohort registration and select the class you’d like to join on our registration form. Once you arrive at Earthaven, you won’t need a car during the program. During your day off, you may want to run an errand or go out to dinner with fellow students, and if this happens, it’s highly likely that another student with a car will be happy to give you a lift. Take the course, in person, at any of the multiple sites we host around the Midwest (and sometimes beyond).

This course is designed to give you hope, resources, and direction to support and deepen your work. Fully participating in this course, including completing homework between classes and utilizing the tools developed, will empower you to be significantly prepared to put your business plan into action. Gain insider’s access to projects and industry innovators through our global network...

Earth Care, People Care, Future Care.​

First, I should have compared the course I was about to take to other available PDCs, both online and in-person.

Grazing can be one of our key tools for fire prevention and grassland regeneration, when done right. In our animal care segments, we’ll have a chance to work with sheep, goats, cows, poultry and live-stock guardian and herding dogs. We will learn about animal care, psychology and training, fencing, herding, and other aspects of humane care. Learn the fundamentals of farm and ranch scale energy systems and waste management.

Permaculture is a design process – based in observation and systems thinking – that enables people to create ecologically sustainable and socially just human settlements based in natural patterns and processes. At OAEC, we apply permaculture as a community-based endeavor in which groups craft their own regenerative living systems beneficial to themselves and the particular ecological and cultural systems in which they are nested. For example, we’ve taught gardeners, builders, teachers, landscape designers and architects, nurses, coaches, college students, engineers, parents, writers, herbalists, lawyers and more.


Regenerative Land Management (RLM) is two to three year advanced permaculture diploma program designed to advance your permaculture practice and provide deep comprehensive training needed to apply these regenerative skills in your life! Whether caring for the land, building urban gardens, or decolonizing farmland, the Regenerative Land Management Diploma program will prepare you for your earth healing endeavors, and to provide a livelihood for yourself and your family. You’ll get to see permaculture in action, at a community scale, where folks have been at it for nearly three decades. You’ll also be able to apply what you learn as you go, getting a feel for how things work as you learn about them.

In addition to the hands-on learning that our site provides, students also get to taste the fruits of the land including delicious organic vegetarian meals based on produce from the OAEC garden and orchards. Students stay in comfy eco-dwellings and can enjoy other amenities such as our hot tub, sauna, hiking trails and swimming pond. We pride ourselves on being the leading worldwide provider of this esteemed certification. Our instructors are in the direct teaching lineage of Bill Mollison and the Mollison Permaculture Research Institute, meaning that our students receive training that is both authentic and reliable.

We will examine historical legacies and current legal, financial, cultural violence that separates people from the land and incentivizes unethical land management. We will focus on ways to legalize sustainability at the policy level and build ‘infrastructures of justice’ on the ground in our homes and communities. Unfortunately, we don’t have funding to offer additional PDC scholarships at this time. If you belong to one of our existing partner community groups, please contact the OAEC staff person you are working with directly. Communities are banding together to take responsibility for their forests and grasslands  to create more safety and resilience in the face of climate-intensified wildfire.

Published in Summer 1999, issue #32 of the Permaculture Drylands Journal is now available for online viewing. Our certification program is accredited by the Permaculture Institute of North America (PINA). Participants should come prepared to work outdoors in all weather conditions. Please bring a wide-brimmed sunhat, multiple layers for chilly mornings and evenings outside, sturdy shoes or work boots for gardening, plus work gloves and hand pruners if you have them. We are committed to encouraging BIPOC communities along this career path. We are open to adapting fees to insure your attendance in this course.

permaculture design course

Throughout the program we get our hands dirty and engage all of our senses; it’s about learning by doing. Managing land ecologically is a resource-intense activity that requires finding a balance between consumption, ecological impact, and financial solvency. This course strives to provide practical answers on how to balance these often complex and sometimes competing needs.

As permaculturists, the patterns and intelligences we see in the living world are our “scales.” We dive into studying them so that we can create similarly elegant relationships when we design living landscapes, human communities, organizations and our lives. Our PDC grads have gone on to become powerhouse agents of change in their home communities as policy-makers, landscapers, land-use agency professionals, farmers, students, social justice advocates, philanthropists, researchers, artists, educators and more. You’ll join a network of over 1,500 OAEC alumni, many of whom have formed lifelong connections through this process. Earth Activist Training’s Restoration Intensive is an in depth hands on course teaching practical land restoration skills.

He also has extensive knowledge and experience as an educator, in eco landscaping, wood working and environmental justice. Karen Taylor has been working in permaculture for over 20 years and has worked in Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico and Northern California. Jamie Wallace has worked primarily in the Vancouver area in British Columbia, Canada. He specializes in permaculture landscape design for urban, acreage and commercial properties; installation and project management services; rainwater harvesting design and installation; and plant propagation. You will engage with peers through the PDC's program discussion boards, where you can receive and provide feedback and follow each project’s progress.

For a month before arriving at OAEC, participants will learn foundational permaculture concepts by reading and watching curriculum online. It can include various agricultural techniques like French Biointensive, Korean Natural Farming, or Biodynamics. All place-based peoples and cultures practice, and practiced “permaculture,” without calling it that. Permaculture as we know it today is simply one set of tools, vocabulary, and practices for engaging with life in a way that honors the wisdom of the greater-than-human world. Some permaculture projects don’t involve growing food at all, although many do.


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